As part of our vision to take the church into the community, we have links to many organizations and businesses under the umbrella of our Chaplaincies.
Skegness Workplace Chaplaincy
Our Workplace Chaplains provide weekly or monthly visits to businesses that may require emotional and spiritual support. All of our Chaplains are fully trained to be at your aid and can appreciate how busy your working lifestyles are. We work closely with Butlin's Resort alongside other businesses. A lunch is held twice yearly at which the Workplace Chaplaincy supporters invite others from the commercial life of Skegness.

Bereavement Chaplaincy
A memorial service is held three times a year. Everyone is welcome, no matter where or when the funeral took place, to come along to the services to remember and pray for loved ones. New Horizons bereavement support group, meets monthly in St Clements community hall and gives much appreciated support to those bereaved by providing a ‘listening ear’, friendship, encouragement and offering new interests through speakers and demonstrations.

Children and Families Chaplaincy
An opportunity for children and families to get involved with fun activities in a welcoming environment. St Matthew's offers a time to worship & have fun at Messy Church. We also provide monthly interactive assemblies which are held at local schools. The Churches have a good relationship with all our Primary Schools - none of which are Church Schools. This is a ministry we are keen to continue and develop.

Hospital Chaplaincy
The church is involved with staff and patients at the hospital and at St Barnabas Day Center.