
St Matthew, Skegness* – 11am Holy Communion (Every Sunday)
St Clement, Skegness – No Sunday service
St Peter & St Paul, Ingoldmells – 10.30am Sunday Service (2nd, 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month)
St Nicholas, Addlethorpe – 9.30am Holy Communion (4th Sunday of the month)
St Mary, Winthorpe – Remains closed

Midweek Services:
St Clement, Skegness – Tuesday 10.30am Morning Prayer (2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month)

*Live streamed on our Facebook page “Skegness Group of Churches”

Forthcoming Events and News

Monday 10th March 12.30pm Funeral: Michael Peak - at St Matthew
Tuesday 11 March 10.30am Morning Prayer at St Clement
Tuesday 11 March 2pm PCC Meeting at St Matthews Church
Tuesday 11 March 7pm Lent Course ‘Teach us to Pray’ begins at Jean and Ron’s house (continuing 18,25, March, 1,8 May) Anyone interested in joining the group please put your name on the sheet at the back of the church. More details will be available shortly
Monday 17 March Mothers’ Union 11am We are having a Communion Service at St. Clements Church and enrolling a new member of the Mothers Union too followed by Lunch in St. Clements Hall of soup and a roll and a pudding at approximately 12-30.
Everyone is most welcome to come and join us as we welcome our new member
If you are going to attend please could you let Marion , or Patricia or Ange know .
It will be lovely to share our celebration with you.
Tuesday 29 April APCM 7pm at St Matthews Church
-Homemade Jam is available on a table in the coffee area, Gift packs are also available for Easter. Please order from Patricia. All proceeds to Church Funds.

On Sunday 8 June we have a Confirmation Service at St. Matthew's Church.

This week’s Diary

Wednesday 5 March Ash Wednesday 10am Coffee Morning,
11am Service followed by a light lunch of Soup and a roll at 12 md
(Cost £6.50) Everyone is welcome.
1.30pm Mix and Make Craft group at St Clement Community Hall. We are theming our Mix & Make group, at St Clements Hall, every Wednesday, around Mothering Sunday. Please bring anything related as your past time if you wish. We will have lots of card making items. Please let everyone know as anyone is welcome. The sessions are £1.50 and on for 3 weeks until we start Easter card making. Refreshments served.
Friday 7 March 10.00am Cleaning Team at St Matthew, more helpers are needed please even if you are not able to come on a regular basis. Any help is appreciated
Saturday 8 March 4pm - 6pm Messy Church at the hall