Skegness Junior Academy at St Matthew Church
Skegness Junior Academy at St Matthew Church having fun making Advent Wreaths
Skegness Junior Academy at St Matthew Church having fun making Advent Wreaths
Shoreline Community and Parish magazine has made it to the finals for the Community Award at Skegness Business Awards.
Our remembrance services are as follows Sunday 13 November 2016 Remembrance Sunday 10.45am War Memorial outside St Matthew, Skegness -Act of Homage -followed by a Civic Service of Remembrance in the church-Reverend Richard Holden Organist: Peter Wellsted Hymns are printed … Continued
Thank you to the Skegness Infant Academy for their harvest gifts, which have been taken to Community Larder for distribution to those in need. A great effort!!
Over 200 people attended the service with many travelling to support Richard from his previous parish of Old Clee. We also welcomed Richards wife Carol who is hoping to become involved in many aspects of Parish life. We look forward … Continued
On Friday 7th October 40 people sat down in St Matthews Gateway area to enjoy a lovely meal that had been prepared by our experienced kitchen staff which was followed by the Annual raffle draw. The first prize of £100.00 … Continued
Mp Matt Warman(far right) Mayor of Skegness Dick Edginton and Mayors Chaplain Reverend Christine Anderson enjoying the art exhibition at St Mary's Church Winthorpe open daily 11am-5pm until Friday 19 August St Mary’s Church Winthorpe open daily 11am-5pm until Friday … Continued